Wednesday, August 22, 2007

"Me teach good. Me get job. Me kill self."

I've become slack about blogging. Terrible, no? Life has been kind of crazy in a good way, and I've been enjoying my job more than ever. Last week I had the opportunity to go to a conference convened by one of our state senators (interesting, good schmoozing) then the very next day I was helping elementary school teachers develop lesson plans for their science classes. The conference crowd was your typical suit and tie kind of group. When I arrived for the teacher training session, they were testing out finger paints made from algae. Needless to say, it was a lot of variety for one week.

Also, I recently checked out for the first time in a while and was reminded of some of the funniest pieces I've read about stepping off the tenure track. These are all by Harrison Key, and they are (I think) hysterical: The Happy Question, The Dentist and the Oracle, and The Bow-Tied Penitent. Check them out when you need a break from all your worries.

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